Why Your Lot Size Matters: Edmonton Real Estate
Wed, 02 Sep
Buying an Edmonton home? Planning your wish list: number of bedrooms, bathrooms, style? Or maybe you are an Edmonton Real Estate Investor looking for the right property to build your next project. We recommend considering the homes lot size or dimensions. Depending on your Edmonton lots dimensions, it may yield more or less value. Edmonton Infill builders will especially find this true when they are sourcing out building sites as a 33 wide or a 50 wide or larger, will drastically change the possibilities of what can be built.
Take the Edmonton skinny home – which is typically a 17 wide home built on a 25 wide lot. These narrow homes are usually built on an existing 50 wide lot that is subdivided to make room for 2 homes. The benefit for home buyers of this is the further densification of more core neighbourhoods to accommodate more residents and offer newer or potentially more affordable alternatives.
At TruHome, we are often on the search for great Edmonton homes that offer further benefits for investors or buyers to consider so being able to track down the dimensions of a lot is extremely important. We also have always been and continue to be big advocates for making more data accessible and open, so when we launched a way to search for information on an Edmonton lots dimensions (Internal Tool – Not Fully Polished), it only made sense to not keep this as an internal tool, but rather open it up and make it accessible.
Try out our new tool here: https://www.yourtruhome.com/edmonton-land-size
We hope you enjoy this tool as much as we do. Be sure to share it, use it and let us know what you think and of course reach out and let us know how we can help you buy, sell or invest in Edmonton Real Estate.